Principal's Message
Welcome to Community Montessori!
Dear Students, Staff and Parents,
Community Montessori is a Montessori focus school in the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) and one of the few public Montessori schools in the country. The school began as a grassroots effort by committed educators and parents. We opened with four classrooms and have expanded to a full capacity of 12 classrooms. The school is filled with joyful learners who celebrate diversity. The school is successful due to the passion, commitment, and dedication of the entire community.
The BVSD standards are taught using the Montessori Method. Classroom instruction is founded on the student's love of learning and supported by the child's exploration of the curriculum. The teachers at CME not only have incredible skills as licensed BVSD teachers and certified Montessori educators, they also have big hearts and compassion. They are constantly growing as professionals in order to best serve our students.
Mindfulness, movement and social-emotional learning are ingrained in the Montessori Method. We focus on the whole child in academics and social skills, tapping into the mind, body and spirit. Our goal is to engage each child and facilitate their growth. Our Montessori focus allows for differentiation and individualization for all students. When a student has learning differences that require a more targeted or intensive approach, we have excellent interventionists to support the student and help build their skills and knowledge.
As we are an open enrollment school, our parents and guardians make a choice to send their children here and are dedicated to ensuring the success of our school. We have teachers who value our community so much their own children attend our school. Parents and guardians are active in volunteering to support our teachers and students. Volunteers can be found working in our gardens, reading to students, providing food for classroom pets, helping with classroom tasks, and fundraising to name a few. We appreciate the time and energy parents provide, and most importantly, we appreciate that they share their children with us!
Our culture is built upon respect: respect for self, others, and the environment. Our students embody the meaning of respect. Our combined age classrooms allow older students to work with younger students and learn to show a selfless concern and care for one another. Our graduates often return to visit and let us know how they are doing. Our sense of community is essential and our student body is very diverse. We celebrate and embrace diversity as a part of the multicultural essence of Montessori. We follow the Montessori Grace and Courtesy lessons, Well-Managed Schools, the Nurtured Heart method and Restorative Practices as part of our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Plan. It is a positive approach that supports a healthy, safe learning environment where students can thrive.
Lastly, we are a school where children love to work and learn. When you walk in our building you feel the warmth and kindness from every staff member. Our students find meaning and take ownership of their learning. Our parents and guardians have a giving nature. Our community volunteers are committed to our students. The name Community Montessori truly illustrates what it takes for a school to be successful: "Community!"
Best regards,
Shannon Minch