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​Community Montessori is a 100% open enrollment school in the Boulder Valley School District (BVSD) where the BVSD standards are taught using the Montessori Method and the Positive Behavior Support (PBS) plan uses the Nurtured Heart method by Howard Glasser.

Community Montessori is the only public Montessori school in Boulder Valley serving children since 1995 from age 3 and older, preschool through 5th grade. As a public Montessori focus school, we are held accountable to the standards and achievement goals of BVSD.   Our children and families benefit from the wealth of special services and resources offered through the district.

student smiling at table

Program Characteristics

​School Program / Instructional Characteristics

  • Individualized, integrated hands-on learning
  • Self-directed, child-centered learning
  • Full complement of developmentally sequenced, manipulative, self-correcting, Montessori materials
  • Students progress through 3-year multiage class cycle with same teacher for cycle
  • Pre-K (ages 3-6), lower elementary (ages 6-9), upper elementary (ages 9-12)
  • Respect for self, others and environment a central, core theme in every aspect of student’s experience

Montessori Method of Education

Children's House Preschool through Kindergarten

The carefully prepared Montessori classroom facilitates the preschool child's development of independence, concentration, coordination and sense of order.  Learning activities are hierarchical and move from the concrete to the abstract in the following curriculum areas:  Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language Arts and Cultural.  

Lower Elementary Grades 1-3 and Upper Elementary Grades 4-5

The elementary curriculum offers a continuum that builds on the preschool experience and reflects a new stage of development.  The child learns through individual or collaborative discovery of concepts by participating in experiential work in the following curriculum areas: Mathematics, Geometry, Language Arts, Science, Geography, History, Music, Art, Practical Life, Computers and Physical Education.